How to link to our web site
Want to link to Savvy Club? …Feel free. We have no linking policy, so please don’t feel you have to ask permission.
We’d recommend you link to one of the following urls:
Simple Text Link
Simply select all the text in the paragraph below, and copy and paste into your site for a simple text link to savvyclub.co.uk that opens in a new window when used.
<p><a href=”http://www.savvyclub.co.uk/” title=”Savvy Club helps you make the most of your precious time off. Savvy Club organises exclusive events and activities for busy people – sporting events, cultural evenings, social get-togethers, luxury days out and weekends away.” target=”_blank”>savvyclub.co.uk</a> Savvy Club helps you make the most of your precious time off. Savvy Club organises exclusive events and activities for busy people – sporting events, cultural evenings, social get-togethers, luxury days out and weekends away. </p>
The link will appear like this:
savvyclub.co.uk Savvy Club helps you make the most of your precious time off. Savvy Club organises exclusive events and activities for busy people – sporting events, cultural evenings, social get-togethers, luxury days out and weekends away.Image Link
Alternatively, you can create an image link with our logo using the following code:
<p><a href=”http://www.savvyclub.co.uk/” title=”Savvy Club helps you make the most of your precious time off. Savvy Club organises exclusive events and activities for busy people – sporting events, cultural evenings, social get-togethers, luxury days out and weekends away.” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://www.savvyclub.co.uk/images/logo.gif” alt=”Savvy Club helps you make the most of your precious time off. Savvy Club organises exclusive events and activities for busy people – sporting events, cultural evenings, social get-togethers, luxury days out and weekends away.”></a><br>Savvy Club helps you make the most of your precious time off. Savvy Club organises exclusive events and activities for busy people – sporting events, cultural evenings, social get-togethers, luxury days out and weekends away. </p>
The link will appear like this:

Savvy Club helps you make the most of your precious time off. Savvy Club organises exclusive events and activities for busy people – sporting events, cultural evenings, social get-togethers, luxury days out and weekends away.
Please note:
If don’t want to use our html code above you may link to any page you choose, but the location of content may change in the future so we would advise that you link to http://www.savvyclub.co.uk/.
We would prefer if you did not place savvyclub.co.uk in a frame.
Thanks for your help,
Kim McAusland
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