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entertainment with a difference!
The Savvy Club is a social events club for successful professionals.
The Savvy Club offers access to unusual venues and events that remain exclusive, which allows you to experience the enjoyment and diversity of special occasions whilst eliminating the need for time and effort in the coordination.
As a client, you can enjoy a calendar of stylish events, entertainment and leisure activities, sporting events, luxury city breaks, gourmet and wine-tasting events, and occasionally celebrity attended events.
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Seven ways YOU can benefit from what we offer:
- Do something you wouldn’t ordinarily do every day
- Be part of a community
- Plan ahead
- Cut down the effort of organising
- Meet new people
- Avoid feeling overwhelmed by too much choice
- All you need to do is book and turn up!
VIP newsletter – FREE
Join Savvy Club’s VIP newsletter and we’ll give you instant access to lots of exciting events and entertainment!
Once a month we’ll send you a short informative email. We will also occasionally alert you to any special offers and imminent events. Just fill out this form and you’ll hear from us shortly. Privacy statement
Please add “[email protected]” to your ‘safe list’ when configuring e-mail or spam filter rules, if you use them.
Advertise your event with us
By advertising your event with us, your company and brand will be exposed to a highly targeted audience of decision-makers and high caliber individuals.
We charge a small administration fee. To promote your event on this web site, contact us.
Work with us
Savvy Club work with a very wide selection of specially chosen suppliers and partners. If you would like to work with us, then please phone 0870 005 6225.
Bespoke and private events
We are happy to organise bespoke private events. We use our extensive contacts and buying power to put together unique and memorable occasions. We charge competitive prices plus our hourly or daily research rate.
Email us for a quote: [email protected]

Savvy Club is a Member of the Association of Event Managers (AEM)
“If you’ve found this site useful, please link to it so that others can benefit”.
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